

Puppy at One Year


4 pounds
2-ish months old
very mouthy
not very fluffy
mostly white


24 pounds
14 months old
still mouthy
a mix of white, beige, and ruddy brown down his back

Happy Gotcha Day!

One year ago this week, we brought the puppy home with us. And we are just as in love with him, if not more. The kids have been great with him – helping train him, helping feed him, taking him out when I ask.

He’s my writing buddy, keeping me warm at this time of year by lying right against me when I’m on my computer. But sometimes he wants to be right on me and pushes the laptop off my lap, or gets my attention by tapping on my keyboard or trying to close my laptop on my fingers. He has learned that will ALWAYS get my attention. And sometimes he forces me to take a break and go for a walk. Being in the moment, enjoying nature, focusing on him – all good things.

How long have you had your fur babies? Share your stories with me…here, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, wherever! And pictures! I love to see my feeds filled with dogs and cats.