Want to get to know me better? Here are some quirky tidbits – my food quirks. Feel free to share your own in the comments!

Tor's quirks: grapefruit
  • One of my favorite treats is fresh grapefruit dipped in Hershey’s chocolate syrup. It’s not the best snack when I’m writing because it gets my hands sticky, but it sure is yummy.
  • I love leftovers – but only some. Nothing that requires too much work, like using a knife and fork. I’ll take leftover soup, stew, casserole, risotto, or pasta any day!
  • Speaking of soup, I could live on soup, as long as I get plenty of variety. Some favorites include barley, lentil, avgolemono, black bean, and caldo gallego.
  • Speaking of variety, I can’t name a favorite cuisine. It all depends on my mood.